Don't cry over spilled milk
When the dust settles

When the dust settles - detail - 2018

When the dust settles - sculpture - 2018
A cylindrical 'snow globe,' where glitter is suspended in water. This sculpture engages with thermodynamics and how this theory affects our perception of time. Turning this piece introduces energy into the system resulting in the glitter particles mixing throughout the water. When the piece is placed in the plinth, the glitter gradually slows and falls to the bottom.
Within this system, two things are happening. Firstly gravitational forces are causing the glitter to fall. Secondly, the water is acting as friction (a form of heat exchange) on the glitter, making it slow down, this is a thermodynamic process. Without these two processes the glitter particles would remain suspended and moving. There would be no sense of past, present and future for the object.
When the dust settles - video work - 2018
Don't cry over spilled milk

Don't cry over spilled milk - detail - 2018

Don't cry over spilled milk - sculpture - 2018
A mechanised flip book, which can be turned using a handle. A succession of pencil drawn stills make a film of milk spilling out of a cup and then returning into the cup. Engaging with thermodynamics, probability and the arrow of time, this piece asks why time appears to move in one direction, and not the other way around. Physics has proved that it is possible that the milk could go back into the cup, but it is extremely improbable. But what if we could reverse the direction?
Don't cry over spilled milk - video work - 2018
There's no time like the present

There's no time like the present - microscopic house dust - detail - 2018

There's no time like the present - sculpture - 2018
A kaleidoscope that uses images of microscopic house dust to create shifting patterns. This piece asks, what is the present and is the flow of time an illusion? In reality the universe is blocks of past, present and future. But our limited consciousness perceives these blocks as blurred flow of time. Our consciousness is 'like a rotating kaleidoscope where each momentary stable pattern is constructed from multiple pieces.' William James