2 weeks ago I was excited to learn that my bid to the Institute of Physics Engagement Fund had been successful! I started work straight away to turn my sketchy ideas (see below), into reality.

I had already started to make initial models for these ideas......
I now started to think about how to make the finished pieces and started to order materials.
As well as starting work on the sculptures, I had my first meeting with Physicist, Dr Elizabeth Bromley, or Beth as she likes to be known. She is lovely but she blinded me with the science and made my brain hurt......as I knew she's would! I will post separately about that later.
We then met with Rachel Barclay who is the curator at The Oriental Museum in Durham, to discuss dates, how the exhibition would work in the space and the installation. We had our photo taken together for the Intitute of Physics.

Rachel, me and Beth, in that order.